- Orders placed in by the Administration of Hungary:
- West-Hungarian University Cooperation Research Center Nonprofit Ltd. („Environmental Impact Assessments”, „Waste-management and Utilization”
- Research Contracts on behalf of Production Companies:
- Optimalization of production processes, loss reduction, development of
as mainstream research fields)
production technology for enterprises as follow: HAJDU Hajdúsági Ipari Zrt.,
PIKOPACK Ipari, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Zrt., MODINE Hungária Gépjárműtechnikai Kft. -
Product development:
Első Magyar Tisztatéri Mosoda Kft. - Research Contracts with Servicing Enterprises:
Development of value-creating process management development by technical-informatical applications: EON Földgáz Storage Zrt., BCE Erőmű Kft.,
DHL Global Forwarding Kft., DHL Szállítmányozási Kft. - Environmental Impact Studies: Tatai Környezetvédelmi Zrt.
- Other, management related fields for Service Companies:
COTY Hungary Kozmetikai Kft., LUX Hungária Kft., PERNOD RICARD Hungary
Development of value-creating process management development by technical-informatical applications: EON Földgáz Storage Zrt., BCE Erőmű Kft.,
- Supply chain development:
- Carpathian Supplier Cluster Audit participation and organization
- North Hungarian Automotive Cluster participation and organization
- North Hungarian IT Cluster participation and organization
- ZF Hungária Kft. supply chain development